Susan Ingram is Professor in the Department of Humanities at York University, Toronto. She is the general editor of the Urban Chic series. You can find out more about her research at:
Katrina Sark is the founder of the Canadian Fashion Scholars Network, and the organizer of the annual fashion symposia in Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto. She is a writer, photographer, blogger, consultant, and holds a PhD in Cultural Analysis from McGill University. She is the co-author of Montréal Chic: A Locational History of Montreal Fashion (2016), Berliner Chic: A Locational History of Berlin Fashion (2011), and assisted with the research on Wiener Chic: A Locational History of Vienna Fashion (2013).
Markus Reisenleitner is Professor of Humanities at York University and the co-ordinator of the Department of Humanities’ European Studies program. He is also editor-in-chief of Imaginations: Revue d’Études Interculturelles de l’Image /Journal of Cross-cultural Image Studies.
Sara Danièle Bélanger Michaud is a Montreal-based writer and French literature and culture instructor. She received her PhD in Comparative Literature from Université de Montréal in 2011, and conducted postdoctoral research at the University of Toronto on the discourse of conversion. Her publications include a book on Cioran ou les vestiges du sacré dans l’écriture (2013), as well as articles in L’esprit créateur (2010), Mosaic (2009 and 2013), and Alkemie (2010,2011 and 2013), and assisted Katrina Sark with Montréal Chic.
Kathryn Franklin is a PhD Candidate in Humanities at York University. Her research focuses on representations of glamour and fashion in the city. She is a co-editor at Descant Magazine.